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Theoretical and numerical simulation study on heat and mass transfer mechanism of GM refrigerator cryopump
Jiaqi Lang, Xiuping Zhang, Rujin Wang
AIP Advances 14, 125031 (2024)
Vacuum system of the RAON
Hyungjoo Son, Sukjin Choi and Ho Sun Choi
Journal of the Korean Physical Society
Elettra 2.0: The Vacuum System Design for a New Generation Storage Ring
L. Novinec, G. Loda, G. Scrimali, I. Cudin and L. Rumiz
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 2687
Deceleration of Antiprotons for High-Efficiency Accumulation at PUMA
Jonas Ludwig Fischer
PhD thesis, Technische Universität Darmstadt
A New Framework for Synchrotron Radiation Studies in the EIC Experiment
A. Natochii, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Getter Thin Films Pulsed Magnetron Sputtering in Narrow Aperture Vacuum Chambers of Synchrotron Radiation Source
Vyacheslav Kaygorodtsev, Alexander Krasnov, Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics
2024 IEEE 25th International Conference of Young Professionals in Electron Devices and Materials (EDM)
Development, Testing and Application of the Indigenously Built 80 K Sorption Cryopump
Vishal Gupta et al.
Poster at ICEC29/ICMC2024 Geneva, Switzerland
Towards Radioactive Molecular Beams at CANREB
D Joseph, C Charles, C Andreoiu, P Harford, F. Ames, B. Schultz
Poster, Science week 2024, TRIUMF
A high-density gas target at the LHCb experiment
OB Garcia, G Bregliozzi, D Calegari, V Carassiti et al.
LHCb-DP-2024-002, July 19, 2024
CIGALE: An innovative gas neutralizer based high efficiency neutral beam injector concept for future fusion reactors
Alain Simonin, Hugo Bouvard and Basile Pouradier Duteil
Nuclear Fusion, 17 July 2024
Design of the vacuum tube in the detector area for the NNBAR experiment
Harald Eriksson
Master's thesis, Lunds Tekniska Hogskola, Lunds Universitet
Comparison of two vacuum system technologies for the synchrotron storage ring: case study of Iranian Light Source Facility
H Karimi, S Ghiam, S Afhami, N Khosravi
Journal of Instrumentation, Vol 19, June 2024
Performance assessment of a newly developed non-invasive 2D beam profile monitor for highintensity accelerators
Sherry Rosily, Hari Prasad, Biswaranjan Dikshit, Srinivas Krishnagopal and Rajesh Kumar
Journal of Instrumentation, Vol 19, June 2024
Study on the Pumping Performance and Structure Parameters Optimization of High-Speed Small Compound Molecular Pump
Zhi Chen, Lei Zhang, Zhizuo Li, Zhizhong Zhang, Guojun Zhang and Fenglin Han
Micromachines, vol 15, p717
15th International Particle Accelerator Conference, 19-24 May 2024, Nashville, TN
Measuring uniformity and gas density of gas sheet profile monitor for use with heavy-ion accelerators
A. Lokey, S. Lidia
Radiation levels from a beam gas curtain instrument at the LHC at CERN
D. Prelipcean, C. Sequeiro, G. Schneider, G. Lerner, M. Ady, R. Veness, R. Garcia Alia
Mass Spectrometry of the Turbopause Region (MSTR)
A High-Performance Cryogenic Time of Flight Mass Spectrometer for the Space CommunityLucas Anderson, Gregory Miller, Ryan Blase, Benjamin Pemble, Chad Fish (poster)
Generation of low-energy abundant electron energy probability functions using a magnetized plasma source
Minkeun Lee, Junbeom Park, Jiseong Nam, June Young Kim and Kyoung-Jae Chung
Plasma Sources Science and Technology
Electron capture in collisions of tin ions with molecular hydrogen
Bijlsma, Klaas
PhD thesis, University of Groningen
Vacuum chambers for Swiss Light Source arcs
R Ganter, P Braschoss, HH Braun, J Buchmann, A Citterio, M Dehler, N Gaiffi, N Kirchgeorg
Physical Review Accelerators and Beams, 2024
Study on the provision of traceable flow rate of water vapor for calibrating a time-of-flight mass spectrometer
Jian Geng, Xiaodong Wang, Wenze Tao, Zhenhua Xi, Hai Zhang, Lishan Li, Zhengyi Ren, Meiru Guo
Measurement, Volume 234, July 2024, 114869
Beam-induced backgrounds measured in the ATLAS detector during local gas injection into the LHC beam vacuum
ATLAS Collaboration
Journal of Instrumentation, 2024 JINST 19 P06014
Beam gas curtain monitor: Vacuum studies for LHC integration and operation
C. Castro Sequeiro, M. Ady, G. Bregliozzi, R. Kersevan, R. Veness et al.
A remote detection method for leak location of external ports in a tokamak: Theory and preliminary experimental validation
Hailin Bi, Kunru Fu, Chunpeng Cheng, Guizhong Zuo, Huidong Zhuang, Jun Zhang, Wudi Wang
Fusion Engineering and Design, Volume 203, June 2024, 114435
Simulation and Design of Test System for the Pumping Performance of NEG Pump
WANG Jiaolong,WANG Guodong,LIU Xiao,CAI Yangyang,ZHANG Feng,CHEN Changqi,XIE Yuanlai
Implementing photometric stereo for scanning helium microscopy (SHeM) to reconstruct true-to-size 3D surfaces
Aleksandar Radic
Master's thesis, University of Cambridge
Simulation of the time-dependent propagation of leak-triggered helium density gradients in cryogenic and nonisothermal accelerator vacuum systems
S Wilfert, F Chill
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 2024
A tweezer array with 6100 highly coherent atomic qubits
Hannah J. Manetsch, Gyohei Nomura, Elie Bataille, Kon H. Leung, Xudong Lv, and Manuel Endres
arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.12021 (2024)
Cryopanel and fast closing valve system for ISOL beam operation
Jongwon Kim
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, Volume 550, May 2024, 165321
Conceptual Design Study of a Time-of-Flight System for Temperature Determination of an Atomic Tritium Beam
Sebastian Koch
Master's thesis, Institute for Astroparticle Physics, Tritium Laboratory Karlsruhe
Characterization of a NEG cartridge under high pressure conditions
D. Paoletti, A. Belpane, P. Innocente, M. Fincato, P. Fanelli, G. Calabrò, F. Vivio
Fusion Engineering and Design, Volume 201, April 2024, 114276
Development and commissioning of a hydrogen ion source for the CERN ALPHA experiment
M.A. Johnson, W.A. Bertsche, O.D Cortázar, D. Faircloth, T. Kalvas, S. Lawrie, A.M. Megia Macías, O. Tarvainen𝑒 and E. Barrios Díaz
8th International Symposium on Negative Ions, Beams and Sources
Orto Botanico, Padova, Italy, 2–7 October 2022
Evaluation of the pumping performance of combinations of Ti–Zr–V–Hf alloy nonevaporable getter coatings with different morphologies, activation protocols controlled at cryogenic temperatures
Paul Smith, Sam Lodge, Andrew Chew
J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 42, 014202 (2024)
Calculation of negative ion beam loss for two region arc plasma negative ion source
Tae-Seong Kim, Seung Ho Jeong, Kihyun Lee, Dae-sik Chang, Jeong Tae Jin
Fusion Engineering and Design, Volume 199, February 2024, 114120
Design strategies and technology of Elettra 2.0 for a versatile offer to the user community
E. Karantzoulis, S. Di Mitri, F. Barbo, W. Barletta et al.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Volume 1060, March 2024, 169007
Design and development of the EAST plug-in cryopump for long-pulse high-performance operation
Chengpeng Zhang, Zhaoxi Chen, Qingxi Yang et al.
Vacuum, Volume 220, February 2024, 112845
Numerical Studies of Ram-Air Intake for near Earth Satellites
Nishita Ravuri, Ashish Vashishtha and Stephen Scully
AIAA SCITECH 2024 Forum, 8-12 January 2024, Orlando, FL
NEG coating test inside non-cylindrical beam ducts at KEK-PF
Masahiro Yamamoto, Toru Honda, Yasunori Tanimoto, Takashi Uchiyama, Ruau Watanabe
Proceedings of the 20th annual meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan
14th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Venice, Italy, 07-12 May 2023
SLS 2.0 storage ring components overview before installation
R. Ganter, M. Aiba, F. Armborst et al.
SLS 2.0 vacuum components design
R. Ganter, P. Braschoss IV, J. Buchmann et al.
SLS 2.0 crotch absorbers design
C. Rosenberg, J. Buchmann, K. Dreyer, N. Gaiffi, R. Ganter, B. Grossenbacher, T. Höwler, N. Kirchgeorg, L. Schulz, D. Stephan, X. Wang, A. Weber
The IFMIF-DONES facility: a fusion-oriented 5 MW superconducting CW linear accelerator
I. Podadera, S. Becerril, M. García et al.
Room temperature Vacuum Chamber with cryogenic installations
S Aumüller, L Bozyk, P Spiller
Vacuum design of the Super-FRS at FAIR
N. Kurichiyanil, A. Bergmann, A. Kraemer, B. Mai, C. Karagiannis, H. Weick, J. Kurdal, M. Winkler, S. Purushotaman
Radiation levels produced by the operation of the Beam Gas Vertex monitor in the LHC tunnel at IR4
D. Prelipcean, G. Lerner, R. García Alía, K. Bilko, B. Kolbinger, H. Guerin, J. Storey, A. Galloro, R. Kersevan (CERN)
Ultrahigh vacuum S-band gun and advanced photocathode studies at Tsinghua University
P. W. Huang, L. M. Zheng, X. Y. Zhang, H. Chen, Y. C. Du, W. H. Huang, J. R. Shi, R. K. Li, C. X. Tang
Progress on the New Booster for SOLEIL II
M. Tordeux, A. Loulergue, A. Moutardier et al.
Design, fabrication, and beam commissioning of a 216.667 MHz continuous-wave photocathode very-high-frequency electron gun
Lianmin Zheng, Han Chen, Bin Gao et al.
Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams 26, 103402 – Published 24 October 2023
Simulation of SESAME’s Synchrotron Storage Ring for the Pressure Predictions in Vacuum System
Firas Makahleh, Hani Attar, Ahmad Manasrah, Anas Nassar, Ayman Amer, Sameh Alsaqoor, Gabriel Borowski, Ali Alahmer
Adv. Sci. Technol. Res. J. 2023; 17(6):164-170
A Radio-Frequency Ion Trap System for the Multi-Reflection Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer at SHANS and Its Offline Commissioning
Wang, J.-Y.; Huang, W.-X.; Tian, Y.-L.; Wang, Y.-S.; Wang, Y.; Zhang, W.-L.; Huang, Y.-J.; Gan, Z.-G.; Xu, H.-S.
Atoms 2023, 11, 139.
Toward a brightness upgrade to the SwissFEL: A high gradient traveling-wave rf photogun
Thomas Geoffrey Lucas, Hans-Heinrich Braun, Paolo Craievich et al.
Physical Review Accelerators and Beams 26, 103401 (2023)
Realization and simulations of the new SPES Beam Cooler
A. Ruzzon, M. Maggiore, C. Roncolato, G. Ban, J.F. Cam, C. Gautier, C. Vandamme
Design and development of vacuum chamber for superconducting undulator at IHEP
Zilin Chen, Xiangzhen Zhang, Xiangchen Yang, Junhao Wei, Jieru Geng, Xiaojuan Bian, Lei Zhang, Yuhui Li
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment
Volume 1056, November 2023, 168713 -
Development of a thermal-vacuum chamber for simulation of space environments with proton beam irradiation
Han-Sung Kim, Hyeok-Jung Kwon, Seung-Hyun Lee, Dong-Hwan Kim & Sang-Pil Yun
Journal of the Korean Physical Society (2023)
Dynamic gas flow simulation for gas injection into the SMOG2 storage cell at LHCb
Chiara Lucarelli
CERN-PBC-NOTE 2023-003
Design of a New Penning Trap for SPECTRAP
Dimitrios Zisis
Master's thesis, Uppsala University
Beamline and vacuum system design of HEBT for the A-FNS accelerator
Takashi Ebisawa, Satoshi Sato, Noriyosu Hayashizaki
Fusion Engineering and Design, Volume 195, 2023
Transient Vacuum study of Electric Arc in Radio Frequency Quadrupole of the Linear Particle Accelerator IFMIF
C. C. Pérez, F. Scantamburlo, A. d. Franco, I. Moya, L. González-Gallego and J. M. García
023 30th International Symposium on Discharges and Electrical Insulation in Vacuum (ISDEIV), Okinawa, Japan, 2023, pp. 322-325, doi: 10.23919/ISDEIV55268.2023.10199604
Mechanism of capture section affecting an intake for atmosphere-breathing electric propulsion
Siyuan ZHANG, Jinyuan YANG, Cheng LI, Haolin LI, Liwei ZHANG et al.
Chinese Journal of Aeronautics
Residual test mass acceleration in LISA Pathfinder: in-depth statistical analysis and physical sources
Lorenzo Sala
Phd thesis, University of Trento
An Accounting of Contamination Control Requirements, Implementation, and Verification of the Sample Tubes for the Mars 2020 Mission and Future Return Sample Science
Thora R. Maltais, Paul Boeder, Carlos Soares, Jerami Mennella, Nicholas Heinz, Vanessa Gomez, John Alred, Mark S. Anderson and Ian Clark
Numerical investigation of transmission probability characteristics in the first low‑density region of a laser wakefield accelerator
Benzi John, Keith Middleman, Oleg B. Malyshev, Xiaojun Gu, Daniel R. Symes, David R. Emerson
Microfluidics and Nanofluidics
Slow positron production and storage for the ASACUSA-Cusp experiment
D. J. Murtagh et al.
J. Plasma Phys
Influence of Electrode Structure on Ion Beam Extraction in Cold-Cathode Ion Source
Minkeun Lee, June Young Kim, Yongju Kim, Y. S. Hwang, and Kyoung-Jae Chung
A compact low energy proton source
A. Weisera, A. Lanza, E. D. Huntera, M. C. Simona, E. Widmanna and D. J. Murtagha
Review of Scientific Instruments
A coupled NS-DSMC method applied to supersonic molecular beam and experimental validation
Hailin Bi a b, Yicong Zhang a, Ziyang He a, Guizhong Zuo c, Bin Cao c, Jun Zhang a, Jun Wu a, Qing Cao a, Xudi Wang a
Vacuum (Volume 214, August 2023, 112228)
Gas flow measurement of evaporated liquid nanoflows
Gustav Jönsson, Oliver Büker, Krister Stolt
Thermostructural Analysis of Large Cryopumping Test Facility
Hemang S. Agravat, Samiran S. Mukherjee, Vishal Gupta, Paresh Panchal, Pratik Nayak, Jyoti Shankar Mishra and Ranjana Gangradey
Fusion Science and Technology
A new magnetic state selection method in high-performance optically detected compact cesium beam clocks
Sifei Chen, Chen Liu, Lifeng Fan, Chaojie Li, Yuanhao Li, Chang Liu, Yanhui Wang
Rev Sci Instrum 94, 043304 (2023)
An ultrahigh-vacuum S-band photocathode radio-frequency electron gun
Peng-Wei Huang, Han Chen, Lianmin Zheng, Huaibi Chen, Yingchao Du, Wenhui Huang, Jiaru Shi, Renkai Li, Chuanxiang Tang
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Volume 1051, June 2023, 168251
Observation of Slow Eigen-Zundel Interconversion in H+(H2O)6 Clusters upon Isomer-Selective Vibrational Excitation and Buffer Gas Cooling in a Cryogenic Ion Trap
Thien Khuu, Abhijit Rana, Sean C. Edington, Nan Yang, Anne B. McCoy, and Mark A. Johnson
Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry
Optimizing Ultra-High Vacuum Control in Electron Storage Rings Using Fuzzy Control and Estimation of Pumping Speed by Neural Networks with Molflow+
Soontaree Seangsri, Thanasak Wanglomklang, Nopparut Khaewnak, Nattawat Yachum and Jiraphon Srisertpol
Accurate measurement of the loss rate of cold atoms due to background gas collisions for the quantum-based cold atom vacuum standard
Daniel S. Barker, James A. Fedchak, Jacek K los, Julia Scherschligt, Abrar A. Sheikh, Eite Tiesinga and Stephen P. Eckel
Evidence of production of keV Sn+ ions in the H2 buffer gas surrounding an Sn-plasma EUV source
S. Rai, K. I. Bijlsma, L. Poirier, E. de Wit, L. Assink, A. Lassise, I. Rabadan, L. Mendez, J. Sheil, O. O. Versolato and R. Hoekstra
A compact and highly collimated atomic/molecular beam source
Geetika Bhardwaj, Saurabh Kumar Singh, and Pranav R. Shirhatti
arXiv:2301.13407v1 [physics.chem-ph] 31 Jan 2023
Transmission conductance of a cylindrical tube with wall pumping
Hyeongrae Noh, Jeehoon Kim, Chongdo Park and Taekyun Ha
J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 41, 014202 (2023)
Boosting sticking-dependent transmission studies to a single TPMC simulation
Stefan Kiesel, Andreas Trützschler, Klaus Bergner
Vacuum, Volume 210, April 2023, 111744
Developments and Challenges in the Design of the ITER DRGA
C. Christopher Klepper, Ephrem Delabie, Ionut Jepu, P. Andrew, Theodore M. Biewer, G. Ted Boyd, David Douai, Shaun Hughes, Uron Kruezi, Chris Marcus, G. H. Neilson, David A. Rasmussen, Fabio A. Ravelli, Stéphane Vartanian, and JET Contributors
IEEE Trans Plasma Sci 50 no12 2022 p4970-4979
Intense continuous cold-atom source
William Huntington, Jeremy Glick, Michael Borysow, and Daniel J. Heinzen
Physical Review A 107, 013302
Characterization of the KATRIN cryogenic pumping section
C.Röttele, M.Steidl, M.Sturma et al.
Vacuum, Volume 208, February 2023, 111699
Vacuum chamber conditioning and saturation simulation tool (VacuumCOST): Enabling time-dependent simulations of pressure and NEG sticking in UHV chambers
Peter Lindquist Henriksen, Marton Ady, Roberto Kersevan
The FCC-ee vacuum system, from conceptual to prototyping
Roberto Kersevan
EPJ Techniques and Instrumentation
Chip-scale atomic beam production, collimation and its applications
Chao Li
Doctoral dissertation, Georgia Institute of Technology, Georgia Tech Library
A Microfabricated Chip-scale Atomic Beam System with Self-sustained Vacuum
Li, C., Martinez, G., McGehee, W., Kitching, J., & Raman, C.
In APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Meeting Abstracts (Vol. 2022, pp. K07-008).
Pressure profile calculation using finite element analysis that exploits the continuity of gas flow
Hyeongrae Noh, Se-Hyun Kim, Jeehoon Kim et al.
AIP advances 12, 035025
Improved absolute frequency measurement of the strontium ion clock using a GPS link to the SI second
B Jian, J Bernard, M Gertsvolf, P Dubé
Development of the novel transportable online mass-spectrometer PILOT-Trap with dynamic buffer-gas cooling for stored ions
Daniel Lange
Master thesis, Heidelberg University and Max Planck Institue for Nuclear Physics
Modeling of contamination vent path for outgassing components underneath thermal blankets on Europa Clipper
Valentina Ricchiuti, Daniel Fugett, Carlos Soares
Proceedings Volume 12224, Space Systems Contamination: Prediction, Control, and Performance 2022; 122240K (2022)
Contamination control program for the Psyche asteroid mission
Maxwell G. Martin, John M. Alred, William A. Hoey, Cynthia S. Ly, Carlos E. Soares
Proceedings Volume 12224, Space Systems Contamination: Prediction, Control, and Performance 2022; 122240J (2022)
Uncertainty propagation analysis of the computed ITER torus effective pumping speed during the dwell phase
Niko sVasileiadis, Dimitris Valougeorgis
Vacuum, Volume 203, September 2022, 111317
Performance testing of the liquid nitrogen cooled sorption cryopump for application in SST-1 Tokamak
Vishal Gupta, Ranjana Gangradey, Samiran S. Mukherjee, Jyoti Shankar Mishra et al.
Fusion Engineering and Design, Volume 181, August 2022, 113212
Design, construction, and offline calibration of ARPolar prototype for SXFEL facility
Zipeng Liu, Bangjie Deng, Qingmin Zhang, Haixiao Deng and Bo Liu
Radiation Detection Technology and Methods volume 6, pages 214–226 (2022)
Measurements of the ionization efficiency of protons in methane
L. Balogh, C. Beaufort, A. Brossard et al.
Construction of a 70 MeV proton cyclotron facility of IBS for multidisciplinary utilization
Jongwon Kim
Journal of the Korean Physical Society (2022) 80:551–557
Testing of non-evaporable getter pills for standardization of their pumping performance testing method
Hajime Yoshida
Volume 197, March 2022, 110797
Neon venting of activated NEG-coated beam pipes in IHEP
Yuchen Yang, Haichang Duan, Tao Huang, Yongsheng Ma, Fei Sun, Haiyi Dong, Ping He
Radiation Detection Technology and Methods (2022)
Design and development of a liquid nitrogen cooled test cryopump for application in Steady-state Superconducting Tokamak-1
Ranjana Gangradey, Samiran S.Mukherjee, Vishal Gupta, Paresh Panchal, Pratik Nayak, Jyoti S.Mishra, Avijit Dewasi, Shashi KantVerma
Beam optics analysis on magnetic-state-selected atomic clocks with optical detection
Sifei Chen, Chang Liu, Shaohang Xu, Yuanhao Li, Jiale Wang, Yanhui Wang, Ying Liu, and Wenhai Jiao
Journal of Applied Physics 131, 114401 (2022)
Design and development of a liquid nitrogen cooled test cryopump for application in steady-state superconducting Tokamak-1
Ranjana Gangradey, Samiran S.Mukherjee, Vishal Gupta, Paresh Panchal, Pratik Nayak, Jyoti S.Mishra, Avijit Dewasi, Shashi Kant Verma
(Institute for Plasma Research, Bhat, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, 382428, India)
Development of a hardware-accelerated simulation kernel for ultra-high vacuum with Nvidia RTX GPUs
Pascal R Bahr, Marton Ady, Roberto Kersevan (CERN, Geneva, Switzerland)
Bruno Lang (University of Wuppertal)
Peer Ueberholz (Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences)
The Interaction Region of the Electron-Ion Collider EIC
H. Witte and J. Adam and M. Anerella and E.C. Aschenauer and J.S. Berg and M. Blaskiewicz and others
12th International Particle AcceleratorConference (2021)
Design, simulation and implementation of an efficient vacuum system and gas load calculations for a 6 MeV industrial LINAC
Kashif Yaqub, Shoaib Akbar, Sumera Javeed, Faheem Siddique, Abdul Rahman, Nabeel Nisar, Muhammad Fahad Khalid, Najm Us Saqib, Muhammad Asif Khan
Vacuum, Volume 187, May 2021, 110151
Cryogenic vacuum considerations for future gravitational wave detectors
L. Spallino, M. Angelucci, A. Pasqualetti, K. Battes, C. Day, S. Grohmann, E. Majorana, F. Ricci, and R. Cimino
Comparative study of thermal desorption and pumping performance for TiZrV-, Pd-, or Pd/TiZrV-coated copper tubes
Xiuguang Jin, Takashi Uchiyama, Yasunori Tanimoto, Tohru Honda
Vacuum System Optimization for EAST Neutral Beam Injector
Guodong Wang, Si Zhang, Changqi Chen (School of Mechanical Engineering, Hefei University of Technology)
Yuanlai Xie (Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Ning Tang, Jiaqi Lang (Science Island Branch of Graduate School, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei)
High voltage DC gun for high intensity polarized electron source
Erdong Wang, Omer Rahman, John Skaritka, Wei Liu, Jyoti Biswas, Chrisopher Degen, Patrick Inacker, Robert Lambiase, Matthew Paniccia (Cornell University)
Development of a novel ultra-high vacuum diffusion apparatus for investigating Knudsen diffusion in complex pore channels
Haiyue Yu (PhD thesis, University College London)
Photostimulated desorption performance of the future circular hadron collider beam screen
L. A. González*, V. Baglin, P. Chiggiato, C. Garion, and R. Kersevan (CERN)
S. Casalbuoni (European XFEL)
A. Grau and D. Saez de Jauregui (Institute for Beam Physics and Technology, KIT)
I. Bellafont and F. Perez (ALBA Synchrotron Light Source)
Numerical study of transverse position monitor and compensation for x-ray polarization diagnosis
Zipeng Liu, Bangjie Deng, Haixiao Den and Bo Liu
Review of Scientific Instruments 92, 113104 (2021);
Non-Invasive beam profile monitoring for the HL-LHC Hollow Electron Lens
A. Salehilashkajani*, N. Kumar, O. Sedláček, C. P. Welsch, H. D. Zhang (Cockcroft Institute and University of Liverpool, Warrington, UK)
M. Ady, N. S. Chritin, N. Jens, O. R. Jones, R. Kersevan, S. Mazzoni, I. Papazoglou, A. Rossi, G. Schneider, T. Lefevre, R. Veness (CERN, Geneva, Switzerland)
P. Forck, S. Udrea (GSI, Darmstadt, Germany)
Designing a Decontamination Solution for the Low-EarthOrbit, Cryogenic SPHEREx Mission
John M. Alred; Bradley D. Moore; Sara Susca; Konstantin I. Penanen; Valentina Ricchiuti; Jennifer M. Rocca; Carlos E. Soares (NASA JPL)
Beam stripping interactions in compact cyclotrons
P. Calvo, I. Podadera , D. Gavela , and C. Oliver (CIEMAT),
A. Adelmann , J. Snuverink, and A. Gsell (PSI)
Monte Carlo simulations of residual gas pumping out of multi-layer insulation
Martin Eizinger, Christof Obertscheider (Aerospace Engineering Department, University of Applied Sciences Wiener Neustadt),
Johannes Stipsitz, Stephan Stetina (RUAG Space GmbH)
Monte Carlo Analysis of the Performance of the ITER Diagnostic Residual Gas Analyzer
C.C.Klepper, F.A.Ravelli
Fusion Science and Technology, 2021
Improved vacuum system for high-power proton beam operation of the rapid cycling synchrotron
J Kamiya, H Kotoku, S Kurosawa, K Takano
Physical Review Accelerators and Beams, 2021
Vacuum Pressure Considerations on the Performance and Lifetime of Negative Ion Sources
Scott R. Lawrie and Olli A. Tarvainen
Design of an Air-Breathing Electric Thruster for CubeSat Applications
Stephen W. Jackson
Deceleration of antiprotons from CERN’s ELENA synchrotron and transport of antimatter beams through the GBAR experiment
Audric Husson
PhD thesis, Universite Paris-Saclay
Optical Excitation and Trapping of 81Kr
J. S. Wang, F. Ritterbusch, X.-Z. Dong, C. Gao, et al.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 023201 – Published 6 July 2021
A simulation study of a windowless gas-stripping room in an E/B neutral particle analyzer
Yuan Luo, Wei-Ping Lin, Pei-Pei Ren et al.
Gas Damping in Capacitive MEMS Transducers in the Free Molecular Flow Regime
Boris A. Boom, Alessandro Bertolini, Eric Hennes, Johannes F. J. van den Brand
Nitrogen and water vapor pumping study on a 400 mm opening LN2 cooled sorption cryopump
S.Mukherjee, P.Pancha, P.Nayak, V.Gupta, S.Das, J.Mishr, R.Gangradey
Study on Au coating of ceramic-lined thin-wall vacuum chamber for HIAF
C.C.Li, C.Luo, J.L.Liu et al.
Beam stripping interactions in compact cyclotrons
Pedro Clavo, Ivan Podadera, Daniel Gavela
Long lifetime of bialkali photocathodes operating in high gradient superconducting radio frequency gun
E Wang, VN Litvinenko, I Pinayev, M Gaowei… - Scientific Reports, 2021
Pitot probe response for pulsed supersonic gas flow characterization in beam profile monitor
S Rosily, B Dikshit, S Krishnagopal - Review of Scientific Instruments, 2021
Development of an ultra-high vacuum system for a cold atom physics rack in space
Q Liu, Y Xie, L Li, J Xiang, W Wang, Q Qu, S Fang… - Vacuum, 2021
Commissioning and operation status of the MAX IV 3 GeV storage ring vacuum system
M Grabski, E Al-Dmour - Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 2021
Design, manufacturing and tests of the LIPAc high energy beam transport line
B. Brañas, J. Castellanos, O. Nomen, C. Oliver, F. Aragón, F. Arranz, M. Chamorro et al.
Water pumping performance of a Cryo–TMP combination pump
Dong-Ju Leeh, Sang-Ryul In and Chong-Yun Park
Nitrogen and water vapor pumping study on a 400 mm opening LN2 cooled sorption cryopump
S Mukherjee, P Panchal, P Nayak, V Gupta, S Das
Vacuum, 2020 - Elsevier
A flange-type standard leak element and its vacuum applications
CK Chan, SD Yeh, CC Chang, CY Tu, IC Yang… - Vacuum, 2020 - Elsevier
Differential pumping unit for windowless coupling of laser beams to ultra high vacuum
M Tschernajew, P Gierschke, H Lin, V Hilbert, J Kurdal… - Vacuum, 2020 - Elsevier
Neutral tritium gas reduction in the KATRIN differential pumping sections
A Marsteller, B Bornschein, L Bornschein, G Drexlin
Vacuum, 2020 - Elsevier
Study on Au coating of ceramic-lined thin-wall vacuum chamber for HIAF
CC Li, C Luo, JL Liu, JC Yang, GD Shen, J Meng
Vacuum, 2020 - Elsevier
Laser Transport System Vacuum Simulations and LED Atom Tracker
Jordan Aasman
New compact ion source design and implementation for low current applications
J Feuchtwanger, V Etxebarria, J Portilla, J Jugo
NIMPA, 2019 -
A high-compression electron gun for C6+ production: concept, simulations and mechanical design
R Mertzig, M Breitenfeldt, S Mathot, J Pitters
Nuclear Instruments and Methods, 2017 - Elsevier
Focal-plane detector system for the KATRIN experiment
JF Amsbaugh, J Barrett, A Beglarian…
Nuclear Instruments and …, 2015 - Elsevier
23Ne Production at SARAF-I
Y Mishnayot, H Rahangdale, B Ohayon…
arXiv preprint arXiv …, 2020 -
The impact of synchrotron radiation at the Compact Linear Collider
D Arominski, A Sailer, A Latina, D Schulte
Nuclear Instruments and …, 2020 - Elsevier
Single metal Zirconium non-evaporable getter coating
R Širvinskaitė, OB Malyshev, R Valizadeh, A Hannahė…
Vacuum, 2020 - Elsevier
Robust characterization of microfabricated atomic beams on a six-month time scale
C Li, B Wei, X Chai, J Yang, A Daruwalla, F Ayazi, C Raman
Physical Review …, 2020 - APS
Modeling of time-dependent gas pumping networks in the whole range of the Knudsen number: Simulation of the ITER dwell phase
N Vasileiadis, D Valougeorgis
Fusion Engineering and Design, 2020 - Elsevier
Reduction of waveguide vacuum trips in CEBAF accelerating cavities with a combination ion pump and non-evaporable getter pump
G Ciovati, M Drury, J Fischer, M Stutzman…
Nuclear Instruments and …, 2020 - Elsevier
Vacuum system design for the storage ring of Iranian Light Source Facility
H Karimi, SZ Kalantari, J Rahighi…
Methods in Physics Research Section A …, 2019 - Elsevier
Activated charcoal cooled to liquid helium temperature exhibiting pumping for hydrogen and helium gases
R Gangradey, VL Tanna, S Mukherjee, J Mishra
Recent Developments of Monte-Carlo Codes Molflow+ and Synrad+
R Kersevan, M Ady
Design of a Beam Gas Curtain monitor prototype (CERN group seminar)
M. Ady
Vacuum Performance of the NEG-coated Chamber for U# 19 at PF-ring
Y Tanimoto, T Honda, X Jin, T Nogami
Commissioning of vacuum system for SuperKEKB positron damping ring
K Shibata, Y Suetsugu, T Ishibashi
Molecular adsorbed layer formation on cooled mirrors and its impacts on cryogenic gravitational wave telescopes
Kunihiko Hasegawa, Tomotada Akutsu, Nobuhiro Kimura, Yoshio Saito, Toshikazu Suzuki, Takayuki Tomaru, Ayako Ueda, and Shinji Miyoki
Commissioning of vacuum pumping devices of the second KSTAR neutral beam injection system
KP Kim, HT Park, HT Kim, KS Lee, NH Song…
Fusion Engineering and …, 2019 - Elsevier
Assesment of the isotopic inventory built-up in ISOL targets operated with 100-MeV protons and the migration of the volatile species in the ISOL system
B Leenders - 2019 -
Study of the Lead Evaporation from the Oven of the GTS-LHC Ion Source
T Koevener, D Küchler, V Toivanen
Synchrotron Radiation Reflections in the CLIC Beam Delivery System
D Arominski, A Sailer, A Latina, D Schulte
Sulfurizing and selenizing metal films in ultra-high vacuum by hydride gas kinetic control
XD Luhman
Development of a Penning Ion Source Test Stand for Production of Alpha Particles
N Savard, M Dehnel, P Jackle, G Marcoux
Time-dependent simulation of the flow reduction of D2 and T2 in the KATRIN experiment
F Friedel, C Röttele, L Schimpf, J Wolf, G Drexlin
Development of a Gas Distribution Measuring System for Gas Sheet Beam Profile Monitor
I Yamada, Y Hikichi, J Kamiya
Machine detector interface for the future circular collider
M Boscolo, O Blanco-Garcia, N Bacchetta
Preparation for TwinEBIS time of flight diagnostics system
RL Taylor, H Pahl, G Khatri, FJC Wenander
The progress of high current high bunch charge polarized electron HVDC gun
Erdong Wang, Robert Lambiase
Development of a Polarized 3He Ion Source for RHIC
RG Milner
Electron stimulated desorption from cryogenic NEG-coated surfaces
R Sirvinskaite, OB Malyshev, R Valizadeh, A Hannah
Optimisation of the RGA location in the evaluation of NEG coating pumping properties
O Seify, OB Malyshev, R Širvinskaitė, R Valizadeh
Evaluation of 2-D Transverse Beam Profile Monitor Using Gas Sheet at J-PARC LINAC
J Kamiya, Y Hikichi, M Kinsho
JACoW: Summary of modelling studies on the beam induced vacuum effects in the FCC-hh
I Bellafont, R Kersevan, L Mether
Improved model for transmission probabilities of membrane bellows based on TPMC simulations
Marcel Krause, Joachim Wolf
Contamination Control at NASA JPL
Carlos E Soares
A novel conical reflector and arc transition tube of turbomolecular pump
K Sun, SW Zhang, F Zhao, ZJ Zhang
Near source fluorescence spectroscopy for miniaturized thermal atomic beams
C Li, B Wei, X Chai, J Yang, A Daruwalla)…
arXiv preprint arXiv …, 2019 -
Cascaded collimator for atomic beams traveling in planar silicon devices
C Li, X Chai, B Wei, J Yang, A Daruwalla…
Nature …, 2019 -
Molecular flow simulations for SMOG2
MA Sessini
Simulation and measurement of the suppression of radon induced background in the KATRIN experiment
Wolf, F Harms
A preliminary assessment of the vacuum performance in the beamline during IFMIF-DONES operation
V Hauer, C Day
TDIS pressure profile simulations after LS2
P Ribes Metidieri, G Bregliozzi, G Iadarolah, G Skripka
Vacuum Performance Test of CuCrZr Photon Absorbers
Q Li, P He, B Liu, D Guo, P Manini, T Qi, Y Ma, X Wang
Test Particle Monte Carlo Simulation of NEG Coated Narrow Tubular Samples
O Seify, A Hannah, O Malyshev
Advanced Photon Source Upgrade Project: The World's Leading Hard X-ray Light Source Modeling Ion Effects for the APS-U
J Calvey, M Borland
Beam-Induced Depolarization and Application to a Polarized Gas Target in the LHC Beamh
E Steffens
Monte Carlo simulation of gas free molecular flow in turbo molecular pump's inlet tube
K Sun, S Zhang, Y Li, Z Zhang, H Li, R Mu
Intense heavy ion beam-induced material evaporation and the resulting dynamic vacuum deterioration of the beam line
J Ren, Y Zhao, L Bozyk, C Maurer, A Blazevic
Development of a Gas Sheet Beam Profile Monitor for IOTA
S Szustkowski, S Chattopadhyay, D Crawford
JACoW: Results on the FCC-hh Beam Screen at the KIT Electron Storage Ring KARA
L Gonzalez, R Kersevan, P Chiggiato, I Bellafont
Progress on the Final Design of the APS-Upgrade Storage Ring Vacuum System
J Carter, J Zientek, G Wiemerslage, M Lale, M O'Neill
A Supersonic Gas Jet-Based Beam Profile Monitor Using Fluorescence for HL-LHC
Hao Zhang (Cockcroft Inst. Accel. Sci. Tech. & U. Liverpool (main)), Marton Ady (CERN), Alexandra Alexandrova (Cockcroft Inst. Accel. Sci. Tech. & U. Liverpool (main)), Elena Barrios Diaz, Nicolas Chritin (CERN), Peter Forck (Darmstadt, GSI), Owain Rhodri Jones, Roberto Kersevan, Thomas Marriott-Dodington, Stefano Mazzoni, Adriana Rossi (CERN), Amir Salehilashkajani (Cockcroft Inst. Accel. Sci. Tech. & U. Liverpool (main)), Gerhard Schneider (CERN), Roland Schnuerer (Cockcroft Inst. Accel. Sci. Tech. & U. Liverpool (main)), Przemyslaw Smakulsk (Wroclaw Tech. U.), Serban Udrea (Darmstadt, GSI), Raymond Veness (CERN), Carsten Welsch (Cockcroft Inst. Accel. Sci. Tech. & U. Liverpool (main))
3D Numerical Ray Tracing for the APS-Upgrade Storage Ring Vacuum System Design
J Carter
Application of compact NEG-sputter ion pump combination in UHV system of HIAF
C Luo, P Li, WJ Xie, YP Wan, Z Chai, XR Zhu, J Meng
A ray tracing method for predicting contrast in neutral atom beam imaging
SM Lambrick, M Bergin, AP Jardine, DJ Ward
Advanced Photon Source Upgrade Project: The World's Leading Hard X-ray Light Source Overview of the APS-U Project
R Lindberg
R Širvinskaitė, OB Malyshev, R Valizadeh, A Hannah
K Shibata, H Hisamatsu, T Ishibashi, K Kanazawa
Low emittance growth in a LEBT with un-neutralized section
L Prost, JP Carneiro, A Shemyakin
Modelling of gas dynamical properties of the Katrin tritium source and implications for the neutrino mass measurement
Laura Kuckerta, Florian Heizmann, Guido Drexlin, Ferenc Glück, Markus Hötzel, Marco Kleesiek, Felix Sharipov, Kathrin Valeriusa
Vacuum properties and operation stability of the radio-frequency quadrupole accelerator in Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex linac
T Morishita, Y Kondo, H Oguri, K. Hasegawa
Pressure profiles of the BRing based on the simulation used in the CSRm
C. Wang et al.
Vacuum System of SESAME Storage Ring
M Al-Najdawi, E Huttel, M Shehab, H Al-Mohammad
Calculations and TPMC simulations of the reduction of radioactive decays of a noble gas by cryo-panels
G Drexlin, F Harms, A Jansen, M Krause, F Müller
A Compact Storage Ring for the Production of EUV Radiation
RM Bergmann, T Bieri, P Craievich, Y Ekinci
Conceptual design of a high real-estate gradient cavity for a SRF ERL
C Xu, I Ben-Zvi, Y Hao, T Xin, H Wang
Mechanical Design of MIRAS, Infrared Microspectroscopy Beam Line at ALBA Synchrotron
L Ribó, G Ellish, M Quispe, A Gevorgyan, A Crisol, I Sics
IFMIF-DONES gas flow modelling
V Hauer
Preparation for Cavity Material Studies at the Vertical High-Temperature UHV-Furnace of the S-DALINAC
Ruben Grewe, Lambert Alff, Jens Conrad, Florian Hug, Thorsten Kürzeder, Marton Major, Norbert Pietralla
Vacuum System Design and Simulation for CHESS-U
Y Li, J Conway, D Burke, A Lyndaker, X Liu, S Barrett
H-, D-, C2-: A Comparison of RF andFilament Powered Volume-Cusp Ion Sources
S Melanson, H McDonald, D Potkins, C Philpott
Study of the cooling and vacuum systems of a miniature 12 MeV race-track microtron
Y Kubyshin, X Escaler, A Viladomiu, V Shvedunov
Progress on the Design of the Storage Ring Vacuum System for the Advanced Photon Source Upgrade Project
B Stillwell, B Billett, B Brajuskovic, J Carter, E Kirkus
Concept of a new generation synchrotron radiation facility KEK light source
T Honda
Design and Construction of a High-Gradient RF Lab at IFIC-Valencia
A Vnuchenko, G McMonagle, C Blanch Gutiérrez
Research and Development on the Storage Ring Vacuum System for the APS Upgrade Project
B Stillwell, J Zientek, G Wiemerslage, J Carter
Numerical Tools for LCLS-II Vacuum Systems (SLAC presentation)
G. Lanza, D. Gill
LCLS-II Vacuum Design and Manufacturing
G Lanza, D Gill, L Young, S Saraf
Benchmarking and Calibration of Monte Carlo Vacuum Simulations with SynRad and MolFlow+
Jason Carter
Monte Carlo simulations of ultra high vacuum and synchrotron radiation for particle accelerators
Márton Ady, Leonid Rivkin, Roberto Kersevan
Phd Thesis, CERN / EPFL
Analytical model for release calculations in solid thin-foils ISOL targets
L. Egoriti, S. Boeckx, L. Ghys, D. Houngbo, L. Popescu
HOM absorber study by photon diffraction model
C Xu, I Ben-Zvi, V Ptitsyn, W Xu, P Takas, B Xiao
Gas Dynamics Simulations for Heavy Ion Induced Desorption Measurements with the Single Shot Method
C Maurer, L Bozyk, P Spiller
National Synchrotron Light Source II storage ring vacuum systems
HC Hseuh, C Hetzel, S Leng, K Wilson
Simulated and measured extreme high vacuum in the jefferson lab polarized electron source
M Stutzman
D Jeon, K.B. Lim, J. Song, S. Yoon, J. Cho, H. Son, T. Ha, H.S. Choi, B.C. Kim, K.P. Kim, Y.S. Kim K.M. Kim
The vacuum system of the Extra-Low Energy Antiproton decelerator ELENA at CERN
R Kersevan
Collinear Laser Spectroscopy of Manganese Isotopes using the Radio Frequency Quadrupole Cooler and Buncher at ISOLDE
Carla Babcock - PhD thesis, University of Liverpool
Control and calculation of the titanium sublimation pumping speed and re-ionisation in the MAST neutral beam injectors
R McAdams - Fusion Engineering and Design, 2015 - Elsevier
Sputter ion pump element pumping speed measurement with the help of a Monte Carlo code
R Seraphim, RO Ferraz, TM Rocha… - Revista Brasileira de …, 2015 -
Propagation of Radioactive Contaminants Along the Isolde Beamline
R Kersevan, M Maietta, A Gottberg, M Ady, G Vandoni, A Drosival
Synchrotron radiation distribution and related outgassing and pressure profiles for the HL-LHC final focus magnets
R Kersevan
Pressure profiles of High Energy Beam Transport vacuum system for the FAIR project
P.M. Suherman, A. Kraemer, L. Urban, M.C. Bellachioma, J. Cavaco
Measurement of NEG Coating Performance Variation in the LHC after the First Long Shutdown
V Bencini, C Yin Vallgren, R Kersevan, G Bregliozzi, V. Baglib, P. Chiggiato
Simulation and Experimental Investigation of Heavy Ion Induced Desorption from Cryogenic Targets
C Maurer, H Kollmus, L Bozyk, P Spiller, D Hoffmann
Simulation of Gas-Scattering Lifetime using Position-and Species-Dependent Pressure and Aperture Profiles
M Borland, H Cease, J Carter, B Stillwell
High-Vacuum simulations and measurements on the SSR1 cryomodule beam-line
D Passarelli, M Parise, T Nicol, L Ristori
Summary of Working Group 4: SR and Shielding
J Seeman, M Biagini
Introduction to the Latest Version of the Test-particle Monte Carlo Code Molflow+
Marton Ady, Roberto Kersevan (CERN)
FRIB driver linac vacuum model and benchmarks
Bojan Durickovic, Paul Gibson, Roberto Kersevan, Guillaume Machicoane
Vacuum, Volume 104, June 2014, Pages 13-21
Pumping speed offered by activated carbon at liquid helium temperatures by sorbents adhered to indigenously developed hydroformed cryopanel
Ranjana Gangradey Samiran Shanti Mukherjee Paresh Panchal, Pratik Nayak, Jyoti Agarwal, Chirag Rana, S Kasthurirengan, Jyoti Shankar Mishra, Haresh Patel, Pawan Bairagi, Vrushabh Lambade, Reena Sayani
A novel Rb vapor plasma source for plasma wakefield accelerators
E Öz, P Muggli
Analysis of the gas puffing performance for improving the repeatability of Ohmic discharges in the SUNIST spherical tokamak
H Xie, Y Tan, R Ke, W Wang, Z Gao
Energy spread and emittance simulation for RISP RFQ cooler
YH Park, JH Lee, WJ Hwang, GD Kim
Water Vapour in Metallic Vacuum Systems: Modelling and Experimental Studies for the LHC Injector Chain
R Renzi
Performance of the beam chamber vacuum system of K = 500 cyclotron at Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre Kolkata
G Pal, A DuttaGupta, A Chakrabarti
Monte Carlo Simulations of Synchrotron Radiation and Vacuum Performance of the MAX IV Light Sources
M Ady, M Grabski, R Kersevan
LHC experimental beam pipe upgrade during LS1
G Lanza, V Baglin, G Bregliozzi, P Chiggiato
Vacuum simulations of the β-NMR end station at the VITO beamline
Michael Kulmback Munch
Systematic Measurement of the Pumping Capabilities of Cryogenic Surfaces
F Chill, L Bozyk, P Spiller, O Kester
Open source software for Monte Carlo/DSMC applications
E de Doncker, JA Kapenga, WW Liou
Coupled Simulations of the Synchrotron Radiation and Induced Desorption Pressure Profiles for the HiLumi-LHC Triplet Area and Interaction Points
R Kersevan, G Bregliozzi, V Baglin
Simulations of the HIE-ISOLDE radio frequency quadrupole cooler and buncher vacuum using the Monte Carlo test particle code Molflow+
M.Hermann, G.Vandoni, R. Kersevan, C. Babcock
Vacuum study of the cavity string for the IFMIF-LIPAc cryomodule
N Bazin, G Devanz, F Orsini
Simulations of effusion: Molflow vs. RIBO
M Faye
Measurement of the behaviour of residual gas particles on cryogenic surfaces to improve the simulation of dynamic vacuum effects
F Chill, L Bozyk, O Kester, P Spiller
An overview of the HIE-ISOLDE design study
R Catherall, M Augustin, C Babcock, R Barlow
Status of the FRIB Driver Linac Vacuum Calculations
B Durickovic, P Gibson, R Kersevan
Simulating Pressure Profiles for the Free-Electron Laser Photoemission Gun Using Molflow+
D Song, C Hernandez-Garcia
Study of the Pressure Profile Inside the NEG Coated Chambers of the SIS 18
MC Bellachioma, H Kollmus, A Kraemer
Vacuum simulation of the LINAC4 H-source
CP Chiara Pasquino, PC Paolo Chiggiato
Design modelling and measured performance of the vacuum system of the Diamond Light Source storage ring
OB Malyshev, MP Cox
Saturation behaviour of the LHC NEG coated beam pipes
T. Porcelli, G. Bregliozzo, G. Lanza, V. baglin, J.M. Jimenez
Measurement of the gas-flow reduction factor of the KATRIN DPS2-F differential pumping section
S.Lukić, B.Bornschein, L.Bornschein, G.Drexlin, A.Kosmider, K.Schlösser, A.Windberger
3D Monte Carlo vacuum modeling of the neutral beam injection system of ITER
X Luo, C Day
Status of NSLS-II Storage Ring Vacuum Systems
HC Hseuh, S Sharma, C Longo, K Wilson
A Sen, MJ van Goethem, MA Hofstee, S Brandenburg
A gas source at 4 Kelvin–injection and charge breeding simulations of Ar gas
M Vogel, C Marzini, D von Lindenfels, W Quint
Development of a Cryocatcher Prototype for SIS100
L Bozyk, H Kollmus, DHH Hoffmann, P Spiller
Introduction to MOLFLOW+: New graphical processing unit-based Monte Carlo code for simulating molecular flows and for calculating angular coefficients in the compute unified device architecture environment
R. Kersevan, J.L.Pons
The Small LBE EVaporation Experiment
K Rosseel, B Caers, M Dierickx, J Heyse
Pressure profile simulation for the PETRA III frontends
C Amann, U Hahn, M Hesse, HS Schrepping
Storage ring vacuum system pressure modelling at Diamond
BF Macdonald, S Bryan, HS Shiers, MP Cox
Test Particle Monte-Carlo modelling of installations for NEG film pumping properties evaluation
OB Malyshev, KJ Middleman
A new test stand for heavy ion induced gas desorption measurements at TSL
E Hedlund, L Westerberg, OB Malyshev
Delta undulator for Cornell energy recovery linac
AB Temnykh
Simulations of the pressure profiles of the PETRAIII frontends
C Amann, Uhahn, M Hesse and H Schulte-Schrepping
J, Phys: Conf. Ser. 100 092017, 2008
Monte Carlo calculations of pressure profiles in particle accelerator storage rings
R Kersevan
Analytical and numerical tools for vacuum systems
R Kersevan
Upgrade Plans of the Vacuum System of the ESRF
R Kersevan, L Goirand
Calculation, Measurement and Analysis of Vacuum Pressure Data and related Bremsstrahlung Levels on Straight Sections of the ESRF
P Berkvens, P Colomp, R Kersevan
The vacuum system for the Spanish synchrotron light source ALBA
E Al-Dmour, D Einfeld, M Quispe, L Ribó
Monte Carlo simulation of gas flow through the KATRIN DPS2-F differential pumping system
X Luo, C Day, V Hauer, OB Malyshev, RJ Reid
Results of Monte-Carlo simulations and analysis of other issues
OB Malyshev
Condensation/adsorption and evacuation of residual gases in the SRF system for the CESR luminosity upgrade
RL Geng, H Padamsee
Conceptual design of a vacuum system for a compact, high luminosity CESR upgrade
KW Ormond, JT Rogers
Operational experience of novel vacuum chambers incorporating massive titanium-sublimation pumping in the Cornell electron–positron storage ring interaction region
Roberto Kersevan; Yulin Li; Nariman B. Mistry
J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 15, 716–722 (1997)
Preliminary design of the vacuum system for DIAMOND
JD Herbert, RJ Reid, TM Weston
HC Hseuh, L Snydstrup, WS Jiang, C Pai, M Mapes
SYNRAD, a Monte Carlo synchrotron radiation ray-tracing program
R. Kersevan