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MolFlow+ and SynRad+

Test-particle Monte-Carlo simulators for ultra-high-vacuum and synchrotron radiation, developed at CERN

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Python interface for MolFlow files

Published at: 2024-09-26

Many advanced users of MolFlow post-process, or even modify the saved geometries. Until now, they had to understand the file format and write an XML parser/writer. This new interface makes this advanced use case easier.

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Collisions with background gas

Published at: 2024-02-08

A new experimental function is added, where the traced gas particles can interact with a static, uniform background gas.

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Cross-section viewer

Published at: 2023-10-25

On a user request, Molflow+ has a new tool that allows to cut away one half of the geometry to see inside models.

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VacuumCOST - New tool for simulating temporal evolution of vacuum systems

Published at: 2023-03-20

A new tool has been developed to make use of the MolFlow CLI to simulate the evolution of vacuum systems through an iterative procedure.

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Measuring molecular forces with MolFlow+

Published at: 2022-12-05

As part of collaboration with space industry players, we got a feature request to calculate the force and the torque exerted by molecular hits on either individual facets or on an object that consists of multiple facets. This is now implemented in the...

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MolFlow+ featured in CERN Courier

Published at: 2022-09-15

CERN's quarterly magazine presented space uses of MolFlow+ in its 2022 fall edition.

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MolFlow CLI release

Published at: 2021-09-30

A new update for Molflow is out!

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MolFlow 150% faster on Apple's M1 chip

Published at: 2021-02-24

With the clang compiler and Homebrew updated for Apple silicon, we could compile Molflow for the new ARM architecture.

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Convergence plotter

Published at: 2020-11-05

Following another user request and the wish to compare different configurations more easily, we created a new analysis tool, the Convergence plotter. As it is deeply entangled with the Formula Editor, you can open it directly from there (or via the...

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Generating accelerator sequences with OpticsBuilder

Published at: 2020-09-08

3D modeling in CAD programs requires a steep learning curve and expensive software. Using Molflow's built-in editor to create a sequence of apertures and connect them manually is tiresome. A helper tool, OpticsBuilder can automate the process - it...

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Molflow roadmap for 2020

Published at: 2019-11-20

2019 had four important changes concerning the future of Molflow...

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Histogram plotter

Published at: 2019-04-08

Following user requests, a diagnostic tool has been added to Molflow, providing insight to the behavior of your vacuum system. It can show the dsitribution of the...

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Particle logger

Published at: 2018-04-06

The new particle logger window can record a certain number of hits on _one_ facet, and export the list of hits either to the clipboard or to a CSV file.

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Auto-updater tool

Published at: 2018-02-10

Now MolFlow checks against updates on the website and notifies users when there is a newer version available

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Angle maps

Published at: 2018-01-10

Simulations can be sped up by recording the angular distribution of incident molecules on a surface, then re-launching these sampled particles in a subsequent simulation.

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Geometry editing options

Published at: 2017-10-12

Originally, Molflow+ was intended to be used as a simulator, not a CAD editor - the source of the geometry always had to be an STL file. Over the years, editing options were added to perform quick fixes on the geometry - such as plugging holes,...

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Total 16 posts.

Last update: October 9, 2024