Simple synchrotron radiation simulation with two dipoles and immediate sticking
Flux density simulation in the SuperKEKB interaction region
Flux pattern on a perpendicular target of a short dipole and a wiggler
Synchrotron radiation flux map on an irradiation experiment in KEK's Photon Factory
Simulation of synchrotron radiation of the arc of an accelerator, using periodic boundary conditions
Synchrotron pattern of a short dipole showing only the orthogonally polarized component (with minimum in the center)
PSD conversion principle, allowing to pass from SynRad to MolFlow simulation
Beam Gas Curtain monitor
Comparison of SR flux absorption with low- and high roughness chamber wall
Photon trajectories upstream of the BGC instrument
Flux map on the BGC chamber and RF liner
Opticsbuilder workflow, from constructing cross-sections in SynRad to auto-generated sequence
An auto-generated sequence with custom apertures and transitions
Sawtooth surfaces, reflection
Sawtooth surface reflection with different incident angles
Forward- and backscattering flux ratios with different incident angles
Refelction patterns from rough surfaces with different incident angles
Reflection targets capturing scattered light from rough surfaces at different incident angles