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Simulated devices

Beam Gas Curtain Monitor

Gas density with a shaped jet created by skimmers

Two-stage simulation of the gas jet focusing on the first and second skimmers

Simulation sensitivity to different levels of collimation of the gas jet

Simulation of different skimmer shapes

Effect of a fourth skimmer (baffle) increasing the pumping efficiency of the dump region

LHC Beam Screen

Pressure profile of the LHC beam screen simulated with periodic boundary conditions

Max-IV crotch absorber

Synchrotron radiation created by an upstream dipole in the crotch absorber region of Max-IV

Crotch absorber flux density map

Pumping setup of the region in MolFlow

Pressure profile after simulating the gas load due to photon simulated desorption

Pumping ports

Effective pumping speed calculation of different pumping ports

Pressure profile in a cryopump

Complex geometry

MolFlow simulation of a complex geometry

Last update: October 18, 2024