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Defining a sequence manually

  • You can fill out the table manually, either directly in the tool or in Excel, then pasting it in the table.
  • When you write in the last row, a new row is added automatically.
  • Aperture information is not obligatory.
  • When ready, you have to calculate the position of elements (grey read-only fields) by pressing the Set selected button next to the reference element row.
  • If exporting the geometry, make sure there are no trailing empty lines, which would export empty drifts (use the Remove rows button or set an End row for the export)
  • Once done, set beam parameters
  • Once selected the output directory, export the parameter files, the BXY file and the geometry by pushing the corresponding buttons.

Screen recording (38Mb MP4 file) - will be updated with narration

Youtube version (lower quality) for convenience:

Last update: November 14, 2024