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Profile plotter

Profile plotter shows the pressure, impingement rate or density distribution along a direction. It is quicker to set up and takes less memory than the more advanced texture plotter.


When recording the above quantities in a direction, MolFlow slices the facet to 100 slices. It is assumed that these slices are of equal area, thus (currently) profiles are only valid on rectangular facets.

Advanced modes allow you to record the angle or the speed distributions of incident molecules. (In angle or speed mode, the facet's shape does not need to be rectangular).

Add a profile plot

1) First, you have to select the facets where you want to record a profile and choose a mode. The most often used mode is the pressure, imp.rate and density. You can visualize the u and v directions by ticking the u,v toggle in the viewer settings panel.

2) The open the profile plotter dialog from the Tools menu. By default it is empty, you have to manually add the profile(s) that you'd plot. Do so by choosing the profiled facet set up in the previous point, and click Add profile. You can also use the textbox to add multiple profiles in batch.

Customize plot

Chart properties

Right-clicking on the chart itself allows you to customize the whole graph's appearence.

Dataview properties

Left-clicking on one of the profiles in the legend (at the bottom, F#4 in the screenshot above) allows to change the data line's appearance (for example switch to bar view).

Export values

Right-clicking the plot allows to extract the data (copy to clipboard or save to a TXT or CSV file).

Last update: October 7, 2024