Particle logger
This tool allows you to record all incident hits on a single facet while the simiulation is running.
Logging is a so called on-the-fly parameter, meaning changing logging settings doesn't need to restart the simulation.
You have to specifiy...
- Which facet to record incident hits on
- How many hits to record
You can then copy the resulting log to clipboard or save to file.
If the log is more than 50 MB, a warning message is displayed, it might be better to save to a file depending on the OS.
Logging more than a million hits will take a long time to export.
An example of what is copied to clipboard is below. You can also download the CSV file.
Pos_X_[cm] Pos_Y_[cm] Pos_Z_[cm] Pos_u Pos_v Dir_X Dir_Y Dir_Z Dir_theta_[rad] Dir_phi_[rad] LowFluxRatio Velocity_[m/s] HitTime_[s] ParticleDecayMoment_[s]
0.542138 0.630193 0.792431 0.158486 0.662624 0.204017 0.598309 0.774857 2.11382 0.439299 1 363.422 2.81403e-05 1e+100
0.762948 0.326274 1.09072 0.218145 0.343065 0.985311 -0.00964651 0.170496 2.484 -1.2881 1 473.133 8.98567e-05 1e+100
0.953752 0.0636556 2.90909 0.581818 0.0669314 0.813737 0.55742 -0.164665 2.97389 -2.97706 1 586.402 0.000137812 1e+100
0.729333 0.372542 1.86705 0.37341 0.391713 -0.0935561 0.501078 -0.86033 1.79142 2.65025 1 332.705 0.000177944 1e+100
0.867174 0.182819 1.48608 0.297216 0.192228 0.786424 0.435853 -0.437687 2.67347 -2.89615 1 628.749 0.000231909 1e+100
0.331608 0.919962 2.27775 0.455549 0.967306 0.946569 0.322361 -0.00955391 2.84136 -1.60311 1 981.844 5.43209e-05 1e+100
0.633386 0.504601 0.19745 0.03949 0.530569 0.969997 0.174424 -0.169355 2.66218 -1.94675 1 587.488 4.41306e-05 1e+100
0.963305 0.050507 1.67898 0.335796 0.0531062 0.828599 0.333941 -0.449342 2.61922 -2.69192 1 764.171 0.000137338 1e+100
Last update:
October 18, 2024